Posts Tagged ‘Free’

This Saturday! Food, Music, Urban Farming and Fun at “On Spring”: New Multi-Use Café Celebrates Grand Opening at LA State Historic Park

Saturday, June 5th, 2010
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Date: June 5th, 2010

Location: 1279 North Spring Street, Los Angeles 90012

The new organic café, “On Spring,” celebrates its grand opening this Saturday, June 5th, 2010 at Los Angeles State Historic Park. “On Spring” occupies the location formerly known as “Sam’s Lunch,” a 1950’s hamburger stand that was frequented by hungry rail workers from the Southern Pacific Freight Yard.

In place of burgers, “On Spring,” will feature fair trade coffee, specialty baked goods, and a selection of local gourmet groceries as well as fresh fare prepared with locally grown produce. Collard greens, kale, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers are but a sampling of the colorful array of ingredients making up On Spring’s innovative approach to organic cuisine.

“On Spring” celebrates between 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm this coming Saturday with great food, beverages, seedlings for its grow bins, yoga in English and Spanish and an array of musical talent provided by Hen House Studios, a local label out of Venice Beach California. Performaces begin at 2:00 by Baba Alade, poet Ellyn Maybe and her Band, and Trevy Felix of Boom Shaka. Future plans for “On Spring” include permaculture classes, gardening workshops, environmental education, events and film screenings.

In all endeavors, “On Spring” strives to implement solutions to address the challenge of sustainability in the urban environment as well as explore the interrelated disciplines of cuisine, agriculture, architecture, and renewable energy. Los Angeles based social entrepreneurship Urban Green is the creative force behind “On Spring” and is committed to serving conscientious consumers and promoting green space in the urban environment.

Artist Lineup (follow links for mp3 samples):


Community Asset Map:

Photos of Poetry Rodeo Thursday’s Fun – Join us this week, same time same place!

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Ellyn April Pics and Ad2

Ellyn Maybe and her Band at the LA Times Book Festival!

Friday, April 23rd, 2010


Ellyn Maybe and the Band April Residency at Pier 212

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010


Pier 212 Website

Pier 212 Map